Tess Snaden Tess Snaden


The memory begins like this. I’m sitting in the window seat, to my right, is Harris (my partner) and the aisle seat next to him is empty. … His hand is still on mine, I know he knows I’m crying and I also know he knows just to let me. The plane begins to speed up and as I sit there amid an Oscar-worthy scene I realise I’m in the middle. Literally and figuratively.

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Tess Snaden Tess Snaden

Death and Job Posts

I think death and doom scrolling Linked-In share more commonalities than differences. Long awaited blog post five talks about my absence on this page, the coming back to life after grief, and my job as a housekeeper moving through spaces of the living while feeling like a ghost.

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Tess Snaden Tess Snaden

One Whole Year…

Officially, it has been one whole year out of Canada and I have avoided sitting down to write about it for the entire week. Thoughts on writing as a tool and revisiting an old journal entry.

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Tess Snaden Tess Snaden

Why we Leave, Why we Stay

There are a million reasons why people might leave or stay, for me the reason I left was because I thought there might be more, and maybe it was bravery or naivety but something in me was willing to go find out.

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Tess Snaden Tess Snaden

About the Blog

As memories come and go in snippets, so will my stories; out of order, some in full detail, some hidden behind occasional mind-fog, and if no one reads on let this blog stand as the chronicles of my 20-something-year-old-self trying to figure it out, whatever “it” may be.

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